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The brand identity is what we can see

Brand identity is the external visual interface of the brand. Everything that the consumer sees, hears, perceives with his senses. Any intangible elements – loyalty, trust, attitude, values – are left out of the picture. So brand identity is one of the elements and stages of branding. Its formation is influenced by the results of research and the finished brand platform.

The brand identity as a visually or verbally tangible part of the brand is able to influence the attitude towards the company. It fuels trust, deepens differentiation, and reinforces the mission and vision of the business. Identity works through any medium of corporate identity and advertising communications: advertising print, color scheme, logo, visual signals embodied in the layout, compositions, packaging, website and social media. This is the language of the brand, which communicates the brand message, its essence and positioning to consumers. Complexity and number of elements of an identity depend on the type of business and channels of communication between client and company.

When developing an identity the designer is faced with the task of finding a visual metaphor consonant with the positioning, uniqueness and history of the brand. It is necessary to arouse interest, to purposefully attract attention. Each new round in the development of visual symbols should complement and enrich everything that was done before. Be consistent with current marketing analysis, brand platform and communications strategy. The elements of the identity work as an appeal, a reminder, a reinforcement. The name, logo, color , caveat act deeper than a simple visual image.

Elements of brand identity include verbal and visual communications. Verbal tools manifest themselves through name (brand name), slogan, melody, descriptor, intonation and communication style.

Visual communications include:

  • Logo – composition, use, placement on different backgrounds, position of the descriptor and slogan.
  • Color, background, graphics – brand colors and combinations, background, graphic elements and compositions.
  • Fonts and typography, font blocks.
  • Company documentation – business cards, letterheads, envelopes, folders.
  • Product packaging – design of separate items and boxes, labels, stickers.
  • Pictures and illustrations – photos, images, branded icons.
  • Digital – implementation of identity on site and in social media, presentation templates, web-banners.
  • Advertising communications – POS, advertising printing, stands, leaflets, booklets.
  • Souvenirs and promotional materials. Clothing, transport design, loyalty and savings cards.
  • The brand in the surrounding area. Signs, showcases, signs, plates, flags, interior design elements or exhibition stands.

The main task of brand identity is to unite disparate verbal and visual elements into a single system and define the rules of their use. The best versions of the brand identity contribute to the promotion of the company’s brand, through the design form the desired attitude of customers.